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I) People 2) Procedure 3) Data/Information 4) Hardware 5) Software 6) Communication 1PEOPLES It means the users or people who runs and execute the entire data processing task and computer installations or the people who works in the data processing environment’. The personnel include System Analysts. Programmers, Data entry operators, and Data processing officers.ditbornetoj 2PROCEDURE Procedures are rules, policies, and methods for operating computers. The operation of a data processing system requires procedures for use in obtaining and preparing data in order to operate the computer and for distributing the output from the computer. This procedure includes control steps such a’s actions to be taken to show errors in the data and malfunctioning of the equipment etc. 3DATA Fact and figure is called data. Data is raw material of IS. Data can take many forms, including .Text data. Audio data, video data, voice data graphics and image data. 4HARDWARE Physical parts of computer system. For example input devices, output devices and CPU such as keyboard, Mouse, motherboard, CD-ROM etc. 5SOFTWARE However in 1812 an English mathematician from Cambridge University. Mr. Charles Babbage designed a machine called DIFFERENCE ENGINE. This, machine was capable of calculating powers of numbers. Babbage also gave the idea of an ANAEYTICAE ENGINE, which was supported to be general-purpose machine having the ability to calculate various arithmetic and/or algebraic formulas. Store data and print results. He died soon and never converted his dreams into reality. The analytical engine was not a successful machine but it gave birth to the research in the field of computers. In 1946, John MaUchly and J,P. Eckert developed an Electronic, Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) at the Moore school of Engineering and Technology, Pennsylvania USA. This was the first truly successful computer after Mark-I and Mark-II developed at Manchester University. There were three main drawbacks in the ENIAC as follows: 1.It used serial lines for processing. 2. Mo storage facility was available. 3.It used decimal numbers instead of binary number system.